Webinarier med fokus på det som är viktigast just nu

Informativt, interaktivt och live – nytt webinar varje månad
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I vår helt nya webinarserie FOCUS NOW presenterar vi månadsvis nya produkter, trender och innovationsämnen på ett informativt, spännande och interaktivt sätt.
I kostnadsfria 45-minuters livesessioner fokuserar vi på aktuella frågor och ny utveckling inom kabel- och anslutningsteknik. Vi ger dig en fördjupad översikt över vad som är viktigt idag och vad som kommer härnäst.
Häng med oss och dra nytta av expertisen när vi djupdyker i våra ämnen med hjälp av våra egna specialister såväl som branschexperter. Bli en aktiv del av webinariet själv genom att interagera live!
Se fram emot:
- Spännande ämnen och trender inom kabel- och anslutningsteknik
- Stor specialistkunskap
- Interaktiva livesessioner.
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Tidigare webinar

Webinar 30 november:
What’s behind PROFINET? – The performance upgrade for Industrial Communication
In order to meet the increased performance requirements and the growing volume of data in today’s industrial automation, the proven PROFIBUS technology has been further developed: From robotics and mechanical engineering to the food and beverage industry: the Industrial Ethernet standard PROFINET can be used everywhere and enables high-performance networks and manufacturer-independent automation solutions for the smart factory – in the field level and in real time. Find out more about what data communication with PROFINET looks like, what requirements have to be met and what you have to consider when selecting a product.
Talare: Christian Illenseer

Webinar 18 oktober:
Single Pair Ethernet – from technology to application
Fewer cores, greater performance: Single Pair Ethernet revolutionizes the networked factory. But what do these applications look like? What are the advantages of SPE, where does the technology possibly fall short? In the webinar “Single Pair Ethernet – from technology to application”, Ralf Moebus, Head of Product Management Industrial Communication, will not only give an overview of the advantages and features of the technology, but will also demonstrate in a practice-oriented manner where SPE can be used and which application-based advantages result from it.
Talare: Ralf Moebus

Webinar 29 juni:
Production without interruption - How LAPP makes machine networks fit for the future with the Health Check Service
70 percent of manufacturing companies do not know exactly what the condition of their plant is. The consequences: unforeseen breakdowns, losses and stress. Although it is well known that regular maintenance and precautions can prevent costly repairs, companies usually lack the personnel capacity and meaningful data. In the webinar Dr. Patrick Olivan and Marco Artoli report on the newly developed LAPP Health Check Service, their experiences during customer visits, their motivation – and show in a practical way how manufacturers can easily plan ahead.
Talare: Dr. Patrick Olivan och Marco Artoli

Webinar 25 maj:
How LAPP makes customer processes more efficient:
Digital transformation: Process efficiency through e-services
From enquiries to incoming goods, LAPP has developed solutions for its customers that support them in their process – and do not make more work for them. In the webinar, Manuel Richter shows how customers get to their tailored product digitally using intelligent configurators, how LAPP is immersing itself into customers’ individual infrastructure using EDI interfaces and e-procurement in order to efficiently illustrate ordering processes and the entire processing stage. And finally he also shows when it is worthwhile to look at analogue solutions.
Talare: Manuel Richter, Global Business Owner Marketplace & e-Procurement Platforms

Webinar 27 april:
Think Innovatively – Act Preventively: How a trend turns into added value
Innovation has been firmly anchored at LAPP since the company’s founding and has led to a huge variety of products and services. The three LAPP experts will provide you with insights into the innovation strategy and introduce you to new ideas in the field of predictive maintenance. Freya Stonawski, Global Innovation Manager at LAPP, will explain what makes innovation stand out at LAPP and how an idea becomes added value for customers.
Talare: Freya Stonawski, Jürgen Greger och Patrick Olivan
Webinarierna hålls på engelska.
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